786189-01 | USRP E320 (ZYNQ-7045, 2X2, 70 MHZ - 6 GHZ, FULL ENCLOSURE)
The USRP E320 brings performance to embedded software defined radios by offering four times more FPGA resources compared to the USRP E31x devices.

786694-01 | USRP E320 (ZYNQ-7045, 2X2, 70 MHZ - 6 GHZ, BOARD ONLY)
The USRP E320 brings performance to embedded software defined radios by offering four times more FPGA resources compared to the USRP E31x devices.

783773-01 | USRP E310 KIT (2x2 MIMO, 70 MHz - 6 GHz) - Ettus Research
The USRP E310 offers a portable stand-alone SDR platform designed for field deployment.

784583-01 | USRP E313 IP67-RATED OUTDOOR ENCLOSURE KIT (2x2 MIMO, 70MHz - 6GHz)
The USRP E313 is a rugged and weatherproof SDR designed for outdoor deployment.