Browsing Category: News
2012 Karlsruhe WSR Overview
I just got back from the 7th Karlsruhe Workshop on Software Radios (WSR) at the Karlsruhe Institute for Technology in Germany...
MathWorks® supports FPGA implementation on USRP™ N210
MathWorks® has released version 3.0 of the support package for the USRP™ family of software radios, adding FPGA implementation of Simulink algorithms on USRP™ N210 radio, and more.
New Website Launched!
We're excited to have launched a completely updated version of, which includes new features to help our customers learn more about and be successful with our software defined radio products. With new application notes and knowledge base content on the way, we encourage users to check back soon.
Welcome to the Ettus Research Blog!
Welcome to the Ettus Research blog! If you're an Ettus Research customer, or have been to our website before, you probably notice a lot of changes....
MathWorks® supports additional USRP™ hardware
MathWorks® has released version 2.1 of its support package for the USRP™ family of software radios, including a QPSK digital communications example and support for the SBX daughtercard.
New Product: USRP B100
The USRP B100 software defined radio joins the USRP family of products as the latest low cost USB 2.0 option. The introductory price is $650 and it is ready to ship.
New Product: USRP E110
The USRP E110 software defined radio joins the USRP E1xx series, offering a more powerful solution by integrating a larger Xilinx® Spartan® 3A-DSP3400 FPGA. The introductory price is $1500 and it is ready to ship.