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6th Edition Wireless Research Handbook

Back around 2014, the NI SDR team put together the first version of our wireless research handbook. In the handbook, we included miniature case studies from our users that talked about the work they were doing in the wireless communications field and how they used USRPs. The first version has been lost in the...
Introducing the New Ettus USRP X440 Software Defined Radio

The widest bandwidth, highest channel density USRP SDR The Ettus USRP X440 software defined radio introduces a very different architecture from the majority of SDRs. X440 utilizes a direct sampling with balun-coupled access to the ADCs and DACs on the onboard Xilinx Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoC. As a result, the device is well suited to...
Advancing capabilities for deployable USRPs

Advancing capabilities for deployable USRPs The USRP and Military Embedded Systems The inception of the Universal Software Radio Peripheral (USRP) was rooted in connecting standard computer hardware to the electromagnetic spectrum to enable rapid wireless development and real-world experimentation. We are now in the second decade of the USRP evolution and SDR technology has permeated...
Introducing The Most Advanced SDR – The NI Ettus USRP X410

We are proud to announce the Next Generation USRP The NI Ettus USRP X410. A New Generation of Software Defined Radio The NI Ettus USRP X410 is the first of a new generation of high-performance SDRs from Ettus Research and NI. It combines the strength of both NI and Ettus Research into a single radio...
More Flexibility and Resources with UHD 4.0
UHD FOUR-O IS HERE! UHD 4.0 is a major enhancement to the open source driver for the NI / Ettus Research USRP devices. Martin Braun gave a preview at GRCon 2019, and we’ve delivered on what we shared and more! Slides, Video Get started right now What is UHD? The USRP Hardware Driver (UHD)...
There is more Green in open-source SDR

You may have noticed some changes over at Before June 16th “NI” was a nickname for “National Instruments” and now it is officially the company name. The global nature of our business deems “National” inaccurate, and “Instruments” is no longer a holistic representation of what we offer—our Ettus Research branded SDR products are a...
Announcing the USRP N320 and USRP N321
Ettus Research, a National Instruments brand, is proud to announce the USRP N320 and USRP N321 software defined radios (SDRs). These high-performing, stand-alone SDRs deliver frequency coverage from 3 MHz to 6 GHz with 200 MHz of instantaneous bandwidth per channel. With reliability and fault tolerance and the ability to share local oscillators and multiple...