NI Ettus USRP X310

Features: Two wide-bandwidth RF daughterboard slots Up to 160MHz bandwidth each (wideband versions of CBX, WBX, SBX) Daughterboard selection covers DC to 6 GHz Large customizable Xilinx Kintex-7 FPGA for high performance DSP (XC7K410T) Multiple high-speed interfaces Dual 10 Gigabit Ethernet – 2x RX at 200 MSps per channel Dual 10 Gigabit Ethernet – 4x...

USRP X300/X310 Rackmount Assembly

The 1U rackmount assembly allows users to conveniently mount select USRP devices in a compact 1U form factor.  When combined with the rack-mount enclosure, it is easy to build compact, high-channel-count systems.  This product is compatible with the USRP X300 and USRP X310 and allows users to integrate four complete RF channels per 1U. Kit...

Power Supply, 12V, 7.5A (USRP X300/X310/N310/N300/E320)

This universal power supply provides a nominal output of 12-Volt and 7.5A.  It is compatible with the USRP ™ X300, USRP X310, USRP N300, USRP N310, USRP E320. Kit Contents: 12V, 7.5A Power Supply IMPORTANT: the regional power cord is a REQUIRED accessory, and is NOT INCLUDED in the kit of this product. Please select the...

GPIO Expansion Kit

The USRP™ GPIO Expansion Kit allows users to access general-purpose input/output (GPIO) signals of select USRP devices.  GPIO can be used for a variety purposes such as controlling external RF power amplifiers or generating and accepting trigger signals from test equipment. Kit Contents: DB15 Break-out-Board with terminal blocks and soldering pads DB15 Male-Male Cable (1.0...

Board Mounted GPSDO (OCXO) Recommended for USRP X300/X310

GPSDO module

This is a GPS-disciplined, oven-controlled crystal oscillator (GPSDO), which is compatible with a USRP X300 or X310.  It can also be used with the USRP B200/B210, but the system will require external power.  The GPSDO provides a high-accuracy 10 MHz reference and 1 PPS signal, which allow developers to build systems that serve applications with...

SFP 1 Gigabit Ethernet Interface Kit

The 1 Gigabit Ethernet Kit can be used with a USRP ™ X300/X310 to provide basic connectivity.  With 1-gigabit connectivity, the USRP ™ X300/X310 can stream up to 25 MS/s (16-bit). This kit includes an SFP+ adapter and a 3-meter Gigabit Ethernet cable. Kit Contents: SFP-to-RJ45 adapter Ethernet Cable Recommended for Use With: A USRP...

10 Gigabit Ethernet Cable w/ SFP+ Terminations (3 Meter)

The 3.0 m 10 Gigabit Ethernet (GigE) cable is recommended for USRP ™ devices with 10 GigE interfaces.  It can be used to connect the USRP ™ device to a 10 GigE switch or network adapter.  This cable is terminated with SFP+ connectors.   Kit Contents: 3-meter 10 Gigabit Ethernet Cable Recommended for Use With:...