6th Edition Wireless Research Handbook

Back around 2014, the NI SDR team put together the first version of our wireless research handbook. In the handbook, we included miniature case studies from our users that talked about the work they were doing in the wireless communications field and how they used USRPs.
The first version has been lost in the digital ether, but since it’s publication, we have continued to put out new editions every year or two. And I’m excited to announce that our 6th edition is now live! It’s our biggest edition yet with 23 user stories. This collection of case studies comes from customers all over the globe working on a wide range of topics from integrated sensing and communications (ISAC) to security enhancements for 5G. Working on these wireless handbooks has always been one of my favorite projects. I love learning about all of the cool things that the USRP community works on. I hope that you too will enjoy reading about their innovation. I hope that you will learn something new or that it sparks a new idea.
Download your copy here.
Do you have a digital copy of the 1st edition? Would you like a digital copy of a previous version? Interested to be added to our list for the next edition? Reach out to me on LinkedIn.