The universal software radio peripheral USRP Software Defined Radio Device™ is a tunable transceiver for designing, prototyping, and deploying radio communication systems. It is an ideal product to prototype wireless communications, develop EW & SIGINT applications, and deploy wireless systems.

Wireless Research
USRP provides a design solution to rapidly prototype wireless communications systems, which leads to faster results. You can present applications with real-world signals such as multiple input, multiple output (MIMO) and LTE/WiFi testbeds.

Electronic Warfare, Signals Intelligence (SIGINT), and radar
Modern electronic warfare, SIGINT, and radar systems capture, process, and record wide signal bandwidths at a broad range of frequencies. Engineers need flexible hardware, software, and instrumentation to adapt these systems to new signal types and threats.

NI Software Defined Radio
Paired with LabVIEW, NI SDR solutions give you unprecedented hardware and software integration to accelerate your innovation and offers out-of-the-box sample projects for more rapid, focused, innovation.
Latest from Ettus
Supporting a variety of development environments on an expansive portfolio of high-performance RF hardware.
Ettus Research™, an NI brand, is the world’s leading supplier of software-defined radio platforms, including the Universal Software Radio Peripheral (USRP™) family of products. Learn more about us